Incoterms FAS: Free Alongside Ship

Named Place Requirement: Port of Shipment

Applies to: Ship in the sea Sea and inland waterway only

Free Alongside ShipClick to enlarge

In the Incoterms rules for FAS (short for “Free Alongside Ship”), the seller clears goods for export and places them alongside the vessel at the named port of departure. The named port of departure location can be a loading dock or a barge, but not a container terminal.

The buyer is responsible for loading the freight onto the vessel, as well as handling local carriage, discharge, import formalities and duties and onward carriage to the final destination.

FAS only applies to ocean or inland waterway transport. It is popular with bulk cargo, such as oil or grain.

For containerized shipments delivered only to a terminal, use FCA instead.

bulp Seller pays all expenses until freight is on the vessel, then buyer takes over.

Free Alongside Ship Incoterm Obligations

Seller’s Obligations

  • Goods, commercial invoice and documentation
  • Export packaging and marking
  • Export licenses and customs formalities
  • Pre-carriage to terminal
  • Delivery alongside vessel at port of shipment
  • Proof of delivery
  • Cost of pre-shipment inspection

Buyer’s Obligations

  • Pay the price of the goods as provided in the sales contract
  • Loading charges
  • Main carriage
  • Discharge and onward carriage
  • Import formalities and duties
  • Cost of pre-shipment inspection (for import clearance)

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