AIT Invites Customer Feedback with Annual Quality Satisfaction Index (QSI) Survey
In today’s modern economy, the vast majority (89 percent) of organizations earn—and keep—business based not on price, but rather on the quality of their customer experience. The customer is king, but at AIT Worldwide Logistics, that’s nothing new.
For years, we’ve listened to our customers to make sure we’re always improving our offerings. And since 2014, we’ve gathered specific feedback via our annual Quality Satisfaction Index (QSI) survey.
Read on to learn more about the survey, AIT’s Net Promoter Score, and how we rely on the customer voice to deliver world-class customer experiences.
Developed by AIT in 2014, the Quality Satisfaction Index is an annual customer survey that gathers feedback across multiple areas, including customer service, sales, invoicing, claims and the MyAIT customer portal. The final question on the QSI survey is always the Net Promoter Score (NPS) inquiry, “How likely are you to recommend AIT to a friend or colleague?”
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a tool that many organizations, including more than two thirds of Fortune 1000 companies, use to gauge the quality of their customer relationships. The survey divides respondents into three categories: promoters, passive and detractors.
In response to the question, “How likely is it that you would recommend our company (or product or service) to a friend or colleague?” survey respondents choose a number on a zero to 10 scale.
Those who submit scores of zero to six are counted as detractors, seven or eight are deemed passive and nine or 10 are labeled promoters.
An NPS can be as low as −100 (if every respondent is a detractor) or as high as 100 (if every respondent is a promoter). While NPSs vary across different industries, an NPS of 50 or greater is generally deemed excellent.
AIT’s comprehensive approach to quality assurance focuses on continuous improvement of existing processes, as well as new process design, both based on internal identification and external customer feedback. In addition to Quality Satisfaction Index, our quality assurance strategy incorporates three major programs:
QSI in logistics: Partner with an expert that listens
Want to learn more about AIT’s QSI survey, customer commitment and deep expertise across nearly all industries?