AIT capacity access, custom logistics solution saves Tier 1 automotive supplier from production shut down
Published on: Jun 10, 2021

In late 2020, a Tier 1 automotive supplier faced a big challenge: either find a way to quickly move more than 40 tons of parts from China, or their production line in Mexico would shut down. In the midst of a pandemic, they struggled to secure air cargo space—until they turned to the automotive logistics experts at AIT.CHALLENGE: Capacity crunch stalls urgent parts shipment
Due to a quality issue, the automotive supplier needed to ship 45 tons of axles from Shanghai to their manufacturing facility in Mexico. If the shipment didn’t arrive within 72 hours, the production line would be forced to initiate an extremely costly shut down. But, due in part to the ongoing pandemic’s impact on air freight capacity, the supplier was unable to find last-minute space on either commercial or charter flights.SOLUTION: An end-to-end, multi-mode logistics plan
AIT’s on-the-ground teams in Asia and North America collaborated to quickly design a customized air and road logistics plan to meet the supplier’s needs, beginning with the procurement of a charter flight from Shanghai to Dallas. In addition to local cartage pickup in China, AIT teammates arranged for transborder linehaul from Dallas to the final destination in Mexico while also handling all customs brokerage requirements.- Air charter management
- Cargo pickup via exclusive-use vehicles
- Customs clearance administration
- Bonded, hot-shot trucking from Texas to Mexico manufacturing plant
- 24/7, comprehensive customer support
The AIT Difference Makers
- Faster, flexible, cost-effective freight solutions
- Robust carrier relationships deliver transpacific air capacity—even in tight pandemic conditions
- Expert customs management via in-house, licensed brokerage
- Real-time communication with partners and AIT locations in China, Mexico and the United States for 24/7 operational support
- Deep automotive manufacturing logistics knowledge